Friday, October 30, 2009


have you ever had a dream that made you realize all your suppressed desires? have ever dreamed that you would meet someone who will make you overlook everything that's in your mind? have ever seen yourself happy and smiling sincerely without the doubts and insecurities?

i have dreamed that i would meet the one who will make me forget all my worries. the man of my dreams was the one who made me felt a love so true... the kind of love that would make me forget my first love.

so i offer this poem to him.

The Reverie of a Soul


My soul is shackled by the chains of tears and bitter ending,

But you have made my heart welcome a new beginning.

The love I feel for you has made me disregard every doubt,

For only when with you, I’ll never take the wrong route.


You are the person that I have never even met before,

Yet you are the one who have made me feel true ardor.

You have visited my dream and made me feel true love,

Because of this, I know that we’re destined by the God above.


The times I spent with you in my dream made me really happy,

I did not even want to wake up and face the sad reality.

Perhaps my dream has the ability to attach our souls together,

Or perhaps it is a fantasy that can turn my winter into a summer.


You’ll be my knight that and I’ll be the damsel you’ll save from distress,

You will be my prince and I’ll be the lady you’ll free in the fortress.

The person who will vanquish my endless night will only be you,

That’s why when we finally meet, I will bid my pain and sadness adieu.

 i know that i'm being a hopeless romantic and idealistic with what i'm saying. my words right now are so unlike me! nevertheless, i do hope that i will be able to meet the man of my dreams in the right time.

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